


The Hawaiian Language of Hawai'I was so sacred, that the Kahuna shared through the Mo'okuauhau (geneology) the Hawaiian Language. They kept to themselves many unwritten words which held mana of the Ha, (breath of life) to heal.

This unwritten knowledge of the Hawaiian Language had much Mana – even the power to Heal - with just a spoken word.

The Kahuna in the La'au Lapa'au (Hawaiian Herbs) and (Lapa'au) held the lapa'au wisdom to heal broken bones, injury, sickness, spiritual imbalance and disorders. The Kahuna used pule (prayer) to re-establish "pono" in the kino (body), healing the spirit, mind and body. In Ancient Hawai'i, the Loss of Pono (harmony), or loss of balance was believed to be the cause of illness.

The Kahuna in the Ho'oponopono (To Set Right) held the knowledge to see and resolve many Conflicts. They openly identify the Pilikia (problem), and create Resolutions for the Ohana (family) to heal emotional issues of the mind and spirit.

The Kahuna in the Hawaiian LomiLomi Lapa'au (physical therapy) and a form of massage, held the wisdom of an unwritten knowledge of Papa 'Ili. They taught the apprentice the anatomy of the humna Kino (body) in a human form using 480 white, red, and black (ili ili) pebbles arranged in the shape of a man. This represented about 280 diseases. The LomiLomi was a physical therapy and massage for healing the body, mind and spirit.

The Hawaiian Language was an Oral Language hand down to their Poe Hawai'i (Peoples of Hawai'i). It was not until 1800's that the focus of a written language was changed by the New England missionaries in 1820's, the spoken sounds were translated into 12 letters.

Vowels: a e i o u

Consonants: h k l m n p w

The Most Beautiful Word in the Hawaiian Language!

"A" is for Aloha", meaning greetings and welcome with love.
" L" is for Launa" meanings friendly...a feeling from the heart.
" O" is for 'Ololi", meaning pleasure...of being helpful and kind.
" H" is for "hauoli", meaning happy...the happiness of sharing.
" A " is for "Akahi", meaning humble...in giving and serving.

"Alo" - meaning "before the divine creator"
"Ha" - meaning "breath of life"

Aloha Aina - meaning to love the land, our home
E Komo Mai - meaning to come in.

Ho'oponopono - meaning empty of all self, "forgiviness". By Aunty Margaret Machado

Ho'oponopono - meaning is You, One with Divine Mana. By Aunty Abbie Nape'ahi

Ho'omaikai - meaning congratulations.
Ho'ola - meaing to give life, heal, to cure.
Ola - meaning life, well-being, living.
Lono - meaning one of the four major Gods. A God of peace, harvest festivities, agriculture,
and God of Medicine.
Lokahi - meaning harmony, peace within, to unite
Lapa'au - meaning to treat, heal, cure and medical.
La'au - meaning a plant, tree, timber, forest
Hui'wai - meaning a cleaning by seawate , ocean water.
Ho'ola - meaing to give life, heal, to cure
Pono - meaning upright, goodness, righteous, to correct, to set right.
Mahalo - meaning thank you.
Malama - meaning to take care of, preserve, to honor and respect.

Hawaiian Language Glossary

The Hawaiian Language was an Oral Language handed down to their Ohana (family and Poe Hawai'i (Peoples of Hawai'i). It was not until 1800's that this then became a written language, translated into 12 letters by the New England missionaries in 1820.

Akua - God
'Aina - Land,
'Alaea - A red clay
Ali'i - Royal or noble
Aka (cord) - The invisibl, shadowy connection
Alo - Presence, Before, light on front of,
Aumakua - Guardian ancestral spirit(s), guardian angel, found take the form of (power in nature), in the Mano (shark), Anuenue (rainbow), Pueo (Owl).

Ha - Breath of Hal is life, to breathe, exhale, the life force energy.
Ho'ola - To cause to cure or heal, to bring Life. Hale - House, home
Hawai'i Loa - Beloved home land
Ho'o - prefix usully meaning " to cause" or to bring about
Ha'ole - Caucasian, formerly any foreigner Huli - to turn (over)
Hanai - Adopted or foster child
Hau'oli - Happy, hau'oli la hanau (happy birthday)
Heiau - Pre-Christian place of worship
Huna - Hidden secret: as in Kahuna, the keepers of the sacred secrets.
Heiau ho'ola - Healing temple
Ho'ike - that which is shown, to know, as in the sight to see, or be seen
Ho'oilina - Heritage
Ho'okipa - Hospitality

'Ike papalua - Extrasensory, intuitive. Literally, "seeing twice"
'Io - Hawk

Kahuna - a high priest, minister, master of the arts & culture
Kahuna Haha - Kahuna skilled at diagnosing illnesses
Kahuna Ha'iha'i iwi - Kahuna skilled at setting broken bones
Kahuna Ho'ohanau Keiki - Kahuna who delivered babies.
Kahune La'au Lapa'au - Herbal practitioner of ancient Hawaiian medicine.
Ka 'ike o ka mo'i wahine 'Emalani - The vision of Queen Emma was to provide the
means of Health Care for every Native Kanaka Mauli, Ka Po'e 'O Hawai'i. Thus
Queen's Hospital was established.
Kapu - Sacred or prohibited
Kauka - Medical Doctor
Keaiwa Heiau - Literally, "mystery temple", a site in Aiea State Park.
Keiki - Children
Kokua - Help or assistance
Kukui - Candlenut

Lapa'au - Heal, or treat with medicine
Lau hala - Pandanus leaf, used in plaiting Lokahi - Harmony
Lokomaika'i - Generosity, inner health
Lomilomi - Physical therapist skilled in massage Lu'au - Hawaiian feast

Ma'i - Illness
Make - To die
Mana - Spiritual or divine power
Manamana - "Branching", also spiritual power
Mauiola - Life force
Mauna 'Ala - The Royal Mausoleum in Nuuanu Valley
Mele - Song, chant or poem
Mo'i - Monarch
Mo'i wahine - Queen

Na'au - Heart, or literally intestines
Noni - Indian mulberry

'Ola - Health and/or life
'Olena - a type of ginger
'Ohana - Family, kin group

Pa'ao'ao - Pediatrician
Pohuehue - Beach morning glory used to ease labor pains
Po'okela - Excellence
Pua Aloalo - Hibiscus
Pule - Prayer
Pu'uhonua - Place of refuge

Wahi Pana - Celebrated place

Tane Ta Wai Ola - The Water of Life

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